1050 Círculo de aluminio para maceta

1050 Círculo de aluminio para maceta


Welcome to Huawei Aluminum, a leading manufacturer and wholesaler of high-quality aluminum products. Our specialty includes producing top-grade aluminum circles, particularly the 1050 aluminium alloy, which is predominantly used for crafting kitchen utensils and pots. This page provides a comprehensive guide to our 1050 círculos de aluminio, highlighting their specifications, applications, and why they stand out in the industry.

Qué es 1050 Aluminium?

El 1050 aluminium alloy belongs to the ‘1000 seriesof aluminum, which is recognized for its exceptional purity. Containing 99.5% aluminio, el 1050 alloy is soft, ductile, and highly reflective with excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. These properties make it ideal for applications requiring high corrosion resistance and formability.

Characteristics of 1050 Aluminium

  • Pureza: Contains 99.5% aluminio.
  • Workability: Excellent formability, which makes it perfect for deep drawing and spinning.
  • Resistencia a la corrosión: Highly resistant to chemical and atmospheric exposure.
  • Conductividad: Outstanding thermal and electrical conductivity.
  • Reflectividad: Naturally reflective, suitable for light fixtures and decorative applications.

Table of Specifications

Specification Descripción
Rango de diámetro 300milímetro – 1500milímetro (Tamaños personalizados disponibles bajo petición)
Rango de espesor 0.5milímetro – 5milímetro
Tolerancias ±0,05 mm para diámetros de hasta 1000 mm, ±0,1 mm para diámetros superiores a 1000 mm
Acabado de la superficie Acabado de molino, cepillado, pulido, o anodizado (varios colores disponibles)
Propiedades mecánicas Resistencia a la tracción: 70-120 MPa, Yield Strength: 40-90 MPa, Elongation: 10-20%
Composición química Aluminium (Alabama) – balance, Iron (fe) – 0.7% max, Silicon (Y) – 0.25% max, Copper (Cu) – 0.05% max

Additional Details

  • Tratamiento térmico: Our circles undergo a controlled heat treatment process to enhance their mechanical properties and durability.
  • Edge Treatment: Edges can be smoothened or beveled according to customer requirements for safety and ease of handling.
  • embalaje: Each circle is carefully wrapped in protective film and then packed in sturdy wooden crates for safe transit.

Quality Assurance

At Huawei Aluminum, we pride ourselves on delivering products that exceed customer expectations. Our quality assurance process includes:

  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Ultrasound testing to ensure there are no internal defects.
  • Visual Inspection: Each circle is inspected for surface imperfections and dimensional accuracy.
  • Certification: We provide a certificate of conformance with each shipment, detailing the test results and specifications of the product.