A Practical Guide To Help You Identify A Quality Aluminum Disk Supplier


When it comes right down to sourcing quality aluminum discs’ suppliers, buyers are more prone to being tempted to focus on the best price. However, revolving around low costs can bring you some negative effects on your manufacturing plants. You have to know that how tremendously it can benefit you, once you have met the right supplier. To be more specific, I would like to say to receive the premium aluminum discs with the excellent delivery performance. In other words, it means to enhance and activate both the efficiency and the profit of your own manufacturing plant, as you meet the right supplier.

To be more specific, it means that you can receive your cargo in the shortest time possible and the aluminum discs can have the least possibility to generate any problematic issues, when you bring them into production.

What are those problems and how many quality issues that you are familiar with?

Well, the problem could be aqueous corrosion phenomenon, finished products’ brokenness phenomenon, parabola phenomenon, edge warping phenomenon, orange and tiger pattern phenomenon, etc.

In brief, all of these problems closely associates with your finished products’ yield rate and will further affect your plants’ revenue. Therefore, it is way more important for you to be able to source a quality supplier for your own manufacturing plants.

In this following week, I will endeavor to contribute a series of articles to demonstrate the crucial elements that are tightly linked to the production of the premium aluminum disks and will try to fulfill some other aspects that closely relate to helping you identify a quality aluminum circles’ supplier. If you are interested or it has contributed some helpful insight, please give me a like below.

This will be the first article in a series of articles on how to source a quality aluminum discs’ supplier. And today we are going to talk about the aluminum discs’ production process, the first prominent factor, severely affecting aluminum discs’ quality.

Aluminum Discs’ Production Processes

Aluminum Disk Billet Process:

First and foremost, your vendors shall guarantee a solid billet source. A00 aluminum ingot must be a basic premise, in which aluminum purity can be secured no less than 99% and it has rigorously undergone the authentication of the country. On top of that, when the ingots have been smelted, the allotment of titanium takes a leading role in the course of ingredients’ mixing. And this is a controlling factor affecting the aluminum discs’ billet’s grain size. Additionally, the grain size can determine whether your finished product will be broken or not, when you are still engaging in the spinning technique and it can also contribute to the appearance of the orange peel and tiger patterns on your finished products’ surface. One way or another, for the grain size or for the aluminum purity, they both determine the high quality of aluminum disks’ billet, also logically equivalent to your rights and profit.

Rolling Process:

For this process, manufacturers of aluminum circles are obliged to roll and calender the 6 millimeters thick billet to the required thickness of aluminum discs. What matters most is to be able to conduct a meticulous control to the rolling and calendering amount of each pass. However, after executing quantitative surveys, we have found out each rolling and calendering amount shall not exceed 60%. To put it more precisely, the maximum calendering of 1.0 millimeter should be o.6mm or else it will affect the quality of aluminum circles. Furthermore, the same plate shall be uniformly calendered and rolled. More importantly, under the circumstance of successfully controlling its thickness and width, its thickness tolerance should be controlled within plus or minus 0.01mm.

Stamping Process:

Manufacturing plants will stamp the billet roll to aluminum disks. Generally speaking, before they actually doing so, they need to double-check the billet’s width and thickness to make sure it’s what they need. In this whole process, diameter of the aluminum disc is a key element. And, whoever can precisely control this element can stand out from the crowd.

In addition, the gap between the upper and the lower die will gradually become larger and larger after too much usage of the stamping dies. And in this case, the factory should act quickly to tackle this issue as soon as possible. Otherwise, the edge burr of the aluminum discs will become thicker and longer to an extent that can easily injure the workers’ hands as they are carrying them or they can as well slice your hands when you are employing the corresponding follow-up techniques. Thereby, plants are strongly suggested to regularly examine and adjust their stamping dies to ensure safety. Nevertheless, plenty of manufacturers are not willing to show too much attention to that. Because in that way, they will be able to fabricate more aluminum discs. Though people do believe lost time is lost money, to you and me, they have obviously seemed to apply it to the wrong context!

Annealing process:

If you have higher requirements for aluminum circles’ elongation and ductility, let’s just say temper O aluminum discs, I will highly recommend you the manufacturers that can directly apply the annealing technique to aluminum disks, that is to say they will need to stamp the temper H18 aluminum coil to aluminum discs first and then anneal them to temper O. Only by resorting to such an annealing method, can they guarantee a better performance for aluminum sheet circles.

Here I would like to highlight that both the heating time and heat preserving time are of great importance. It often will take the furnace about 6 hours to be heated up to 200 degrees Celsius, and at the same time, the workshop needs to do oil-removing and fumes-discharging operations. However, they will continue to heat up the furnace to 380 degrees Celsius and are required to maintain them at this temperature for 20 hours, because this time duration hugely affects the elongation and ductility property of the aluminum sheet circles.

Have you been much clearer about aluminum disks’ production line, or have you perceived all its essence?

By now, I have covered the whole production line of aluminum discs all up here for you., and I truely wish you could enjoy reading through all of it.

To me, I consider it very crucial for you to be able to conduct a face-to-face visit, which will allow you to address any concerns and ensure all products meet your standards. If not, at least ask their sales managers for more detailed and specific information, just according to what I have mentioned above.