Aluminium circle for deep drawing

Aluminium circle for deep drawing

Benefits of using aluminium circles for deep drawing

  • 1. Metallic feeling, aluminum circle for decoration, it shows the grade of the product, and it is more atmospheric and environmentally friendly than the surface covered by paint.
  • 2. No paint on the aluminum circle surface, more fire-proof, no toxic gases, high temperature does not burn.
  • 3. Plasticity is excellent, easy to bend, easy to process directly, no complex surface treatment is needed, so the manufacturing cycle is short and the cost of forming products is low, so it is widely used in decoration.
  • 4. Anti-oxidation, long-term use will not discolor, will not rust, thicker stretched aluminum wafers can be exposed to strong light for a long time, will not discolor.
  • 5. Easy to clean. When the surface is stained, it can be cleaned directly without leaving any spots.

Understanding the deep drawing process

Deep drawing is a manufacturing process used to form sheet metal into a three-dimensional shape, typically a cup or box-like part, with a depth greater than its diameter. The process involves the following steps:

Deep drawing stamp

  • 1. Blanking: A flat sheet metal blank is cut from a larger sheet to the size and shape required for the deep drawing process.
  • 2. Drawing: The blank is placed over a die, which has a cavity with the desired shape of the final part. A punch is then used to push the blank into the die cavity, causing the material to flow and take the shape of the cavity. This step is usually done in multiple stages, with each stage gradually forming the part to its final shape.
  • 3. Ironing: After the drawing process, the part may undergo an ironing operation. This involves reducing the wall thickness of the part while increasing its length. Ironing is often used to improve the dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the part.
  • 4. Trimming: Excess material, known as the flash, is trimmed from the formed part to produce the final shape. Trimming can be done either before or after the ironing operation, depending on the part design.
  • 5. Bulging: In some cases, the part may undergo a bulging operation to add material to specific areas, such as strengthening ribs or embossed features.

Types of aluminium alloys used for deep drawing

Several types of aluminum alloys are commonly used for deep drawing, each offering different properties and characteristics suited for various applications. Some of the most common aluminum alloys used for deep drawing include:

1000 Series (e.g., 1050, 1060, 1100): These alloys are commercially pure aluminum and are very soft, making them highly formable. They are often used for deep drawing applications where intricate shapes are required.

3000 Series (e.g., 3003, 3004): These alloys are known for their excellent formability and corrosion resistance. They are often used in the production of cookware, kitchen utensils, and chemical equipment.

5000 Series (e.g., 5005, 5052, 5083, 5454): These alloys offer good formability, high strength, and excellent corrosion resistance. They are commonly used in marine and aerospace applications.

6000 Series (e.g., 6061, 6063): These alloys are heat-treatable and offer good formability, high strength, and excellent corrosion resistance. They are often used in structural applications and automotive components.

8000 Series (e.g., 8011): These alloys are often used in packaging applications due to their excellent formability and corrosion resistance.

Common applications of deep drawn products made from aluminium circles

Deep drawn products made from aluminum circles find applications in various industries due to their versatility, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Some common applications include:

  • 1. 調理器具: Deep drawn aluminum circles are used to make a wide range of cookware, including pots, 鍋, and baking dishes, due to their excellent heat conduction and corrosion resistance.
  • 2. Automotive Parts: Deep drawn aluminum circles are used to make automotive parts such as fuel tanks, airbag housings, and sensor housings due to their lightweight nature and ability to withstand harsh environments.
  • 3. Electrical Components: Deep drawn aluminum circles are used to make electrical components such as capacitor cases, connector shells, and antenna housings due to their conductivity and corrosion resistance.
  • 4. Packaging: Deep drawn aluminum circles are used to make packaging materials such as cans, containers, and lids due to their ability to protect the contents from light, moisture, and air.
  • 5. Medical Devices: Deep drawn aluminum circles are used to make medical devices such as syringe barrels, catheter tubes, and drug delivery systems due to their biocompatibility and sterilization capabilities.
  • 6. Aerospace Components: Deep drawn aluminum circles are used to make aerospace components such as aircraft fuselage parts, engine components, and structural components due to their lightweight nature and strength.

Deep drawing products

Leading manufacturers and suppliers of aluminium circles for deep drawing

Huawei Aluminum has been engaged in the production and sales of aluminum wafers for 23 years. It has rich production experience and aluminum wafer stamping experience. We provide 1000 series-8000 series high-quality aluminum wafers.

As a leading enterprise in the production and export of aluminum products in China, Huawei Aluminum provides a large number of high-quality products at low prices. Please contact us if you need them.