Electrical enclosure used aluminium circle

Aluminium circle for electrical enclosure

Aluminium circle for electrical enclosure

Aluminium circle for electrical enclosure

After the electrical appliance is manufactured, in order to prevent it from being damaged during use, it is often wrapped with a thin layer of material for protection. The light weight of the aluminum disc will not add a lot of weight to the electrical appliance, and it is not easy to transport.

The price of aluminum is generally very low and will not increase the cost too much, and it has good corrosion resistance and good conductivity, which can effectively protect the exterior of electrical appliances.

Aluminum circle production video

Features of aluminium circle

  1. The wafer specifications are complete, and besides the conventional size, wafers with a thickness of 0.5 mm and a thickness of 6.5 mm can be provided;
  2. The surface performance of the wafer is good, ensuring no obvious scratches, oil stains, oxidation, black spots, dll.;
  3. When the thickness of the wafer is greater than 1.0 mm, ensure that the edge of the finished product is neat and free of burrs;
  4. Good control of the grain size and elongation of the coil in the early stage ensures the excellent deep drawing and spinning performance of the wafer, and avoids the phenomenon of wire drawing, ruffles, and high ear-making rate that may occur in later processing;
  5. Strictly control and test the alloy, state and performance of the coil to ensure the accuracy and diversity of the provided wafers;

HuaWei aluminum is professional manufacturers of Spinning Aluminium circle products , have advanced manufacturer equipment , can produce high quality aluminium circles. Our aluminium engineers travelled so far throughout the world to find out from our customers which import so good spinning quality aluminium circle . To keep good spinning quality , we have to identify two aspects :

Looper line is shaped lines after spinning . They look like a smile face. Our aluminium circle products could control this defect associated with the spinning process . It appears as bumps ( or ears ) on the outside rim of the part after spinning . Our aluminium circle cound control earing to within 5% .

And our high quality spinning aluminum circle are mainly used for : Lighting, Ventilation, Satellite, Paint Sprayers, Cenral Vacuum Units, Filter Cartridges, Planters, Waste Recepticles, Drip Pans, Cryogenic Tankers, Race Car Wheels etc.

Tentang kami

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. adalah pemimpin dari banyak manufaktur dan pemasok aluminium di Cina. Kami secara ketat mengontrol kualitas dan fokus pada pelanggan. Kami berharap dapat memiliki kerja sama yang mendalam dengan Anda dan memberi Anda layanan OEM khusus produk bahan aluminium berkualitas tinggi. Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan harga terbaru dan terbaik dengan standar berat per kg atau per ton, silakan hubungi kami.

lini produksi lingkaran aluminium

Proses produk

  1. Siapkan paduan utama
  2. Tungku peleburan :masukkan paduannya ke dalam tungku peleburan
  3. Ingot aluminium cor DC:Untuk membuat ingot induk
  4. Giling batangan aluminium:untuk membuat permukaan dan sisinya halus
  5. Tungku pemanas
  6. Pabrik penggilingan panas:membuat kumparan induk
  7. Pabrik penggilingan dingin:kumparan induk digulung sesuai ketebalan yang ingin dibeli
  8. Proses meninju:menjadi ukuran yang Anda inginkan
  9. Tungku anil:mengubah emosinya
  10. Inspeksi akhir
  11. Sedang mengemas:kotak kayu atau palet kayu
  12. Pengiriman

produsen lingkaran aluminium

Sedang mengemas

Lingkaran aluminium dapat dikemas dalam standar ekspor, ditutup dengan kertas coklat dan film plastik. Akhirnya Putaran Aluminium dipasang pada palet kayu/kotak kayu.

kemasan lingkaran aluminiumpengepakan lingkaran aluminium