What is electric kettle heat conduction chassis
The heat-conducting chassis of the electric kettle is obtained by punching and stamping aluminum discs; Since the diameter of the bottom of the electric kettle is generally not too large, the diameter of the aluminum circle required to make the heat-conducting chassis of the electric kettle is also relatively small.
Common Alloy Of Aluminium Circle
1050-O Alloy,1050-H12 Alloy,1060-O Alloy,1100-O Alloy,2014-O Alloy,8011-H22 Alloy,the alloy types and states above are our most common specifications.
- alloy 1050 1060 1100 3003 aluminium circles, deep drawing quality, good spinning quality, excellent forming and anodizing, no four ears.
- Excellent reflectivity, good for Polishing.
- Good anodized quality, suitable for hard anodizing and enameling
- Clean surface and smooth edge, hot rolled quality, fine grains and after deep drawing no looper lines
- Excellent pearl color anodizing.
HuaWei aluminum is professional manufacturers of Spinning Aluminium circle products , have advanced manufacturer equipment , can produce high quality aluminium circles. Our aluminium engineers travelled so far throughout the world to find out from our customers which import so good spinning quality aluminium circle . To keep good spinning quality , we have to identify two aspects :
Looper line is shaped lines after spinning . They look like a smile face. Our aluminium circle products could control this defect associated with the spinning process . It appears as bumps ( or ears ) on the outside rim of the part after spinning . Our aluminium circle cound control earing to within 5% .
And our high quality spinning aluminum circle are mainly used for : Lighting, Ventilation, Satellite, Paint Sprayers, Cenral Vacuum Units, Filter Cartridges, Planters, Waste Recepticles, Drip Pans, Cryogenic Tankers, Race Car Wheels etc.
Çûna nava
Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. rêberê gelek hilberîner û dabînkerên aluminiumê li Chinaînê ye. Em bi tundî kalîteyê kontrol dikin û li ser xerîdaran hûr dibin. Em hêvî dikin ku bi we re hevkariyek kûr hebe û karûbarên OEM-ê yên xwerû yên hilberên materyalê yên aluminium-ê yên kalîteyê peyda bikin. Heke hûn dixwazin bihayên herî nû û çêtirîn ji hêla kg an her ton giraniya standard bistînin, ji kerema xwe bi me re têkilî daynin.
pêvajoya Product
- Alozên masterê amade bikin
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- D.C.avêtina aluminiumê:Ji bo ku dayika îngot bike
- Çêleka aluminiumê birijînin:da ku rû û alî xweş bikin
- Fira germkirinê
- Mifteya germê:kir kulîlka dayikê
- Gerîneka sarbûnê:kulika dayikê wekî qalindahiya ku hûn dixwazin bikirin hate gêr kirin
- Pêvajoya lêdanê:bibe mezinahiya ku hûn dixwazin
- Sobeya helandinê:germê biguherînin
- Kontrola dawî
- Bixçe:doza darîn an paleta darîn
- Şandinî
Di standarda hinardekirinê de derdorên aluminiumê têne pak kirin, bi kaxezek qehweyî û fîlimek plastîk vegirtin. Di dawiyê de Rounda Aluminiumê li ser paleta darîn / kêşeya dar tê sabît kirin.