Custom aluminum circles for various applications

Aluminum disc circles are aluminum products processed from aluminum coils through stamping equipment, and are usually round shape. Aluminum discs are classified into tableware aluminum disc, cosmetic aluminum disk, stamped aluminum circle, and label round aluminum plates.

Aluminum circles are widely used in industries such as electronics, kundalik kimyoviy moddalar, dori, culture and education, va avtomobil qismlari. Elektr jihozlari, issiqlikni saqlash, mashinasozlik ishlab chiqarish, avtomobillar, aerokosmik, military industry, qoliplar, qurilish, poligrafiya va boshqa sanoat tarmoqlari. Such as non-stick cookware, pressure cooker and other kitchen utensils and lampshades, water heater shells, telescopic water tanks and other hardware products are one of the most arduous products for aluminum alloy plate and strip processing.

Firstly is that aluminum is light in weight and has strong corrosion resistance. These two points are the most notable features of aluminum circles. With its low density and light weight, it is widely used in aviation, avtomobillar, ships and other transportation manufacturing industries. Bunga qo'chimcha, high-end industries such as spacecraft and satellites also use aluminum rounds, aluminum metal, and aluminum alloys in large quantities.

Ikkinchidan, it has excellent electrical conductivity. Although its conductivity is weaker than that of gold, silver, and copper, its large reserves and low density are only one-third of copper, and it can transport the same amount of electricity, while the quality of aluminum is only half that of copper. Bunga qo'chimcha, the surface oxide film of aluminum not only has the ability to resist corrosion, but also has a certain degree of insulation. Shuning uchun, aluminum plate metal has a very wide range of uses in the electrical appliance manufacturing, wire and cable and radio industries.

Finally, let me talk about the ductility of aluminum. Aluminum pans and aluminum alloys are often used as forgings in industry. They can be used to cast various shapes and types of forgings, and can be connected by a variety of methods, including welding and resistance welding. The connection adopts weaving and mechanical methods, such as riveting and bolting. Bunga qo'chimcha, aluminizing agents are usually used to smelt refractory metals and weld steel rails. It can also be used as a deoxidizer in the steelmaking process.

Commonly used for tableware, kitchenware, cosmetic bottle caps, medicine bottle caps, lamps and utensils, hardware and electrical appliances shells, billboards, traffic sign processing and other industries.


Aluminium discs circles are widely used in kitchen utensils, lighting and signs for its excellent deep drawing property. Aluminium discs circles can be processed by punching machine and spinning machine in cookware and lampshade processing. Alyuminiy doiralardan tayyorlangan tayyor mahsulotlar silliq va yorqin sirtga ega bo'lib, burmasiz va miltillovchisiz. Alyuminiy doiralar kostryulkalar ishlab chiqaruvchisi uchun uning barqaror xususiyati va yaxshi xarajat ko'rsatkichi tufayli birinchi tanlovdir.

Aluminum circles are also used in electronics, kundalik kimyoviy moddalar, dori, culture and education, and automotive accessories. Elektr jihozlari, thermal insulation, mashinasozlik ishlab chiqarish, automotive, aerokosmik, harbiy, mold, qurilish, printing, water heater shells, stretch tanks and other industries etc

Aluminum disc circle for kitchen utensils

dinner plate, fritözlar, works electricskillets, bottom plates, alyuminiy idish, aluminum cup etc

Aluminum disc circle for signs

road regulatory traffic signs, warning traffic signs, guide signs, street signs, route marker signs, expressway signs, recreation and cultural interest signs, emergency management ( civil defense ) signs, temporary traffic control ( construction or work zone ) signs, shool signs, railroad and light rail signs, ricycle signs etc

Aluminum disc circle for lighting

Lampshade, LED bulbs, yorug'lik reflektorlari, plain aluminium lamps shade, anodized aluminium lamp shade, coated aluminium lamp shade etc


electronics, comestic, home appliances, building, hardware, printing, machine manfacturing, moulding, whistling kettle, medical, tube, havzalar, ventilation, satellite, paint, sprayers, cenral vacuum units, filter cartridges, planters, waste recepticles, jacketing shall, cryogenic tankers, race car whels etc

Why choose us?

Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd. Xitoyda ko'plab alyuminiy ishlab chiqaruvchilar va etkazib beruvchilarning etakchisi. Biz sifatni qat'iy nazorat qilamiz va mijozlarga e'tibor qaratamiz. We hope to have in-depth cooperation with you and provide you with high quality aluminium material products custom OEM services. Agar siz eng yangi va eng yaxshi narxlarni kg boshiga yoki tonna standart og'irlik bo'yicha olishni istasangiz, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning.

alyuminiy doira ishlab chiqarish liniyasi

Mahsulot jarayoni

  1. Asosiy qotishmalarni tayyorlang
  2. Eritma pechi :qotishmalarni erituvchi pechga qo'ying
  3. DC quyma alyuminiy quyma:Onani quyma qilish uchun
  4. Alyuminiy quymasini maydalang:sirt va yon tomonlarini silliq qilish uchun
  5. Isitish pechkasi
  6. Issiq prokat tegirmoni:ona o'ramini yasadi
  7. Sovuq prokat tegirmoni:ona lasan siz sotib olmoqchi bo'lgan qalinlikda o'ralgan edi
  8. Teshilish jarayoni:o'zingiz xohlagan hajmga aylang
  9. Tozalash pechkasi:kayfiyatni o'zgartiring
  10. Yakuniy tekshirish
  11. Qadoqlash:yog'och quti yoki yog'och sxemasidan
  12. Yetkazib berish

alyuminiy doira ishlab chiqaruvchilari


Alyuminiy doiralar eksport standartiga to'ldirilishi mumkin, jigarrang qog'oz va plastmassa plyonka bilan qoplash. Nihoyat, alyuminiy dumaloq yog'och sxemasidan / yog'och qutiga o'rnatiladi.

alyuminiy doira qadoqlashalyuminiy doira qadoqlash