hot rolling aluminum circle

DC hot rolled alloy metal aluminum disc circle

Aluminum alloy hot rolling has low energy consumption, good plastic processing performance of hot-rolled metal, low deformation resistance, insignificant work hardening, and easy rolling, which greatly reduces the energy consumption required for metal deformation; hot rolling usually uses large casters and large casters. Reduction rolling, fast production pace, large output, which creates conditions for large-scale production; ordinary hot milk products have certain differences in performance due to instability of finishing rolling temperature control, and it is difficult to accurately control performance; modern hot continuous The precise control of rolling pass distribution, reduction and temperature <not more than ±8yi> greatly improves the performance stability of hot-rolled products; ordinary hot-rolled products are limited by detection and control methods, while the thickness and dimensions of hot-rolled products are accurately controlled It is also more difficult, because the thickness deviation of its products is relatively large; the modern hot rolling mill adopts a variety of 8000 controls and multi-level coordinated compensation control, the dimensional accuracy of hot rolled products is greatly improved, the thickness deviation is not more than ±0.7mm, and the crown deviation is not more than ±0.2mm.


  1. For signs, like regulatory traffic signs, warning traffic signs, guide signs, street signs, route marker signs, expressway signs, recreation and cultural interest signs, emergency management(civil defense)signs, temporary traffic control(construction or work zone) signs, shool signs, railroad and light rail signs, ricycle signs
  2. For cookware ,like :fry pans,pizza pans,works electricskillets,pressare cookers,rice cokers,stock pots,cookware bottom,stainless cookware,bottom plates,coated cookware,cookware cover.
  3. For spinning,like: lighting,ventilation,satellite,paint,sprayers,cenral vacuum units,filter cartridges,planters,waste recepticles,drip pans,cryogenic tankers,race car whels etc.
  4. For light,like:plain aluminium lamps shade,anodized aluminium lamp shade,coated aluminium lamp shade

Product quality

Be free from Oil Stain, Dent, Inclusion, Scratches, Stain, Oxide Dicoloration, Breaks, Corrosion, Roll Marks, Dirt Streaks and other defect which will interfere with use etc


河南華為アルミニウム有限公司, 株式会社. 中国の多くのアルミニウムメーカーおよびサプライヤーのリーダーです. 私たちは厳格に品質を管理し、顧客を重視します. 私たちはお客様と緊密に協力し、高品質のアルミニウム材料製品のカスタムOEMサービスを提供したいと考えています。. 標準重量 kg または 1 トンあたりの最新かつ最安値の価格を知りたい場合, ご連絡ください.



  1. マスターアロイを準備する
  2. 溶解炉 :合金を溶解炉に入れます
  3. D.C.キャストアルミニウムインゴット:マザーをインゴットにするために
  4. アルミニウムのインゴットをフライス加工する:表面と側面を滑らかにする
  5. 加熱炉
  6. 熱間圧延機:マザーコイルを作りました
  7. 冷間圧延機:マザーコイルは購入したい厚さに巻かれています
  8. パンチング加工:希望のサイズになります
  9. 焼鈍炉:気分を変える
  10. 最終検査
  11. パッキング:木製ケースまたは木製パレット
  12. 配達



アルミニウム円は輸出規格で梱包可能, 茶色の紙とプラスチックフィルムで覆う. 最後に、アルミニウム丸を木製パレット/木製ケースに固定します。.
