aluminum discs for pot

Knowing Yourself and Your Enemy Ensures Victory

Years ago, there was a client of us coming for aluminum discs. The kind he wants to purchase is approximately 2 millimeters thick. In the end, for some reason, he ended up buying aluminum discs with 1.5 millimeters’ thickness. And I was greatly convinced that this is exactly the main factor that had caused his products to be broken in the final stages of their formation.

የበለጠ ግልጽ ለመሆን, I consider it an effective way for me to put some pictures below.

Then here comes a question-it is what that has provoked such an evil.

እንግዲህ, come along with me and I will help you source the reasons.


This is a very crucial element for vendees to carefully think about before they actually go to buy the aluminum circles. It totally depends on what kind of finished products you are going to fabricate. You, for instance need to purchase aluminum circles with 2.0 millimeters’ thickness to make the finished products that you want. I hereby highly recommend you to find one of the closest number to 2.0 millimeters. ቢሆንም, let me clarify one point here that it should be one of the closest! Or else it will be quite easy for you to find out the traces of this wickedness, mainly due to a lack of the raw material, especially when it comes to the final step of your deep drawing technique. በተጨማሪ, please remember to get some free samples from the vendors to first test whether the aluminum circles you have purchased are totally capable of making the kind of finished products that you need.

DC and CC

Make sure you have bought the right kind of the aluminum disks, you need to go. You will eventually be versed in knowing how to choose the right kind for your own good. Apart from that, you may also need to take some professional advice from your sales manager, who is conversant with the aluminum products that you are going to buy. Stubbornness is the ugly side of perseverance. Being stubborn isn’t always a bad thing. But if you’re standing your ground for the wrong reasons, are you really doing the right thing? If your finished products need deep drawing technique, you have also carefully read through my previous post and have totally been aware of your sales manager’s advice, but for somehow you still insist to buy CC aluminum discs. In order to minimize your damage, remember to get some free samples shipped to your manufacturing plant first.

Elongation and Ductility

Another much needed component for you to pay closer attention to is the matter of elongation and ductility. And for this one, it should be closely kept an eye on by the vendor’s part. ስለዚህ, it is distinctly important for you to be able to choose a trustworthy and reliable supplier and manufacturer to cooperate with. For example, the aluminum circles/discs that you want to purchase requires an elongation of 35 percent, and of course, your vendor has received that requirement from you. At this moment, you have safely transported all the goods you have purchased to your own manufacturing plant. Unexpectedly, you start to encounter this unpleasantness. “I have followed my sales manager’s advice to buy the right kind and to choose the correct thickness for myself, why this still comes up?” you have asked. እንግዲህ, it is not your fault, and let me clarify one point for you that mostly this problem arises from the vendor, when it has come to this situation. What you need is the elongation of 35 percent, they however ended up giving you 20% elongation. Needless to say, this issue will pop up.


You see how tremendously it means for you to be able to find the right vendor to cooperate with. I assume it quite essential for you to invest sufficient diligence and time in it and achieve a greater victory for your own manufacturing plant.